


Process of creating a website


it seems like creating a website is some how difficult, but absolutely no'' it is very simple to create a website and published it online.

if we talk about website it means we want to build a presense online, and every business now is better with a website weather it is physical or online business.

so lets jump direct to our main topic about creating a website, so to create a website you have two options weather to find a web developer to build the site for you or use your idea to create by your self.

and its another option again weather to use a website builder or to code.

so in my own i use the all method to build a website, website builders and codings. 

but for your own asa beginner i recommend you to start with the website builders, its very simple and easy to build a responsive website with the website builders.

and the second thing you have to know is that you must have some money in order to publish a website online and buy a domain to get your website online.

lets jump to the next step, 

we have many website builders like:







and much more, but in my own i recomend you to use wix, wordpress or zyro.

there are more tyoes of website builders, but i just give you this as an example

after choosing the right wevsite builder just sign up its very easy and simple after then you can start building any kind of website you want ib a simple steps.

after creating your site the next thing is publishing the website and buying a domain, so in this step you have 2 option weather to host you website in an external providers or to continue using your site builder hosting, which is free to use but its shared hosting.

so to puchase a domain name i recommend you to use hostinger i can help you with that, the domain name and the site publishing.

so this is how everything works about website creation.

for any enquiries please cantact me via this email or drop a comment below:



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