Ways to earn money with your phone .
There are many ways But I will take a few of them and explain them so that you can understand what I mean by how to make money with your mobile phone.
Here are some examples of ways to make money:
1.Freelancing: yes freelance is a business that will bring you money by using your skills, for example: if you can design a logo or a website or application or if you are a writer what can you get at take a job But NOT a parmanent the point here is to be paid when you do the job or before you do it
You can watch this video to see how to Get Started Freelancing
2. Blogging: Blogging is writing. It will benefit people and you will benefit. The question here is how to make money by blogging. affliate marketing.
The question here is, how to start blogging, answer: you can Start blogging in two ways
A. Website: you can create your own unique website
B. Free blogger: Google will allow you to blog for free.
You can watch this video to see how to make your own website for free
3. Affiliate marketing: what is affiliate marketing? Shidai is a business in which you advertise the goods of another company or the business of another if only the goods you advertise will be paid for by a share of the goods. The question here is how do you start affiliate marketing? Answer: affiliate marketing It is very easy so if you need less how to Get Started Click this link
How to start affiliate marketing
You can watch this video to see how to Start Affiliate Marketing
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